Author Archives: MSR

Trinity of Hinduism: Ultra Simplified for the Cynics

Brahma (Creator) = Shiva (Destroyer) = Kaala (Time)
It can be clearly seen by all – that time alone creates and destroys everything – both living and nonliving.

Vishnu (Sustainer) = Space

All Universes (all cosmos, stars, and their associated products -viz- planets and satellites) are contained within “Space” and sustained.

Now comes the question of “Trimatas” – the Female consorts of the Trinity.

  • Saraswati represents the Vidya (Tool/Knowledge) of Brahma for creation.
  • Lakshmi represents the (Tool/Knowledge) material wealth of Vishnu for sustenance.
  • Parvati (Shakti-Energy) represents the (Tool/Knowledge) of Shiva for destruction.

Hinduism for Confused Hindus – To Resist & Escape Conversion

1. Its original name is ” Sanatana Dharma” (Eternal Principle).

2. It is the only religion of “Dharma” and not a religion of Faith. I believe = I do not know…!!! Better to know than to blindly & ignorantly Believe…!!!

3. “Laws of Nature” are inescapable irrespective of faith.

4. It does not promise “Liberation” by denying “Freedom of Thought & Action” + Imposing Regimentation.

5. The only religion where atheists have a place – and practice their own personal realities.

6. Only religion where there is real freedom of thought & action and never any imposed regimentation on the way of living.

7. Only religion where no one prophet or one holy book rules all aspects & parts of life.

8. Many Rishis + 4 Vedas + Many Upanishads + 18 Puranas (Mythologies) + 2 Itihasas (Histories)…choose what you like to read or follow…!!!

9. Only religion that propounds that “There is Only God” and never says that “There is only One God – and that is Only Our God“.

10. Only Religion that gives the perfect definition of GOD = सर्व कारण कारका = Sarva Karana Karaka = The Original Cause of All Causes.

“Maya” explained through Maths, Physics & Chemistry

It is hard to find an exact equivalent to the Sanskrit word “Maya” in any other language. A loose translation or an explanation can be…illusion + delusion + hallucination. Now it is difficult to imagine the combination of all the three abstract words into one conceptual meaning. Hence this humble attempt to find examples from 3 fundamental sciences to elucidate the concept of Maya. Read the rest of this entry

Truth as it is!

I am an Electrical & Electronics Engineer (class of 1965-1970) from NITW-INDIA.
My employment with GE-USA (1973-75) in the Electro-Medical field in India pushed me into studying diverse aspects of health care. Subsequently, my interest in “Life Sciences” sucked me deep into exploring and understanding the connection between Life & Matter.
In the last 40 years of my counseling  through “Holistic Health (AYUSH)” – I might have advised satisfactorily about 350,000 times (including repeat patients – about 25 a day on an average) through all means of communications -viz- Personal interactions, Referrals, Emails, WhatsApp, Messengers, Telephones etc….thus covering the whole Globe!

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Aatma-The Forms

Cyclic Order of “Devolution-Evolution” of Atma

The infinite cyclic order of “Generation-Operation-Destruction” (which we call GOD) – is the eternal phenomenon within the infinite cosmic universe. The word “Atma (Atman)” appears common in different forms and contexts. It is very similar to the word “Allotropy” in science where structurally the same “element” has different physical forms. In decades of my reading and listening to the learned scholars, I have come across these expressions – ranging from microcosm to macrocosm as also the manifest to unmanifest. I will not be surprised if there are more such, which I have not come across, but some of them I know are listed below. Read the rest of this entry