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Spiritualism is fully advanced “Science & Technology”

We have seen how technology has been transforming every sphere in our lives in the last 100 years! As we advance … further advancement is progressively getting accelerated … taking lesser time for quantum jumps! Where will this end finally? We will end in “Spirituality”. How?

Computer sizes have been shrinking. What would have occupied a building will now fit into our palm! As miniaturization continues, things are becoming smaller and smaller – but with their abilities growing bigger and bigger! We are now talking of Nano-technology (molecular structural manipulation towards specific functionality). It will then move towards atoms and then sub-atomic particles and finally through allotropic forms of pure energy to – “Pure Consciousness”. Read the rest of this entry

Dharma – Everything that is there to know about!

If there is one word in “Sanskrit” that pervades the entire physical & material universe on one side – and also the universe of Life & Spirit on the other side – it is “Dharma”. It is used very colloquially on one side by all and sundry – as much as with extreme poignancy and significance by the very learned to explain the esoteric truths of God’s creations.

Let us look at the Indian mythological connection to this word and I quote ….

Dharma: An ancient “Hindu Sage” – a Rishi, who married thirteen of Daksha‘s daughters. According to the Mahabharata, Daksha sprang from the right thumb of Brahma, and his wife from that god’s left thumb. Their numerous progeny, transparently personifications of virtues and religious rites, were married to – “Dharma” (meaning moral duty in Sanskrit); to Kashyapa – another ancient sage and the grandfather of Manu, the progenitor of mankind;  and to Soma – the king of the Brahmins and  the guardians of sacrifices.  Dharma in Hindu religion is the doctrine of the duties and rights of each caste in the ideal society, and as such the mirror of all moral action.

Now we look at the religious interpretations and I quote ….

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Vedic Meditation – Scientology Auditing

In Vedanthic Upanishads – there is an essential joint prayer (Manthra) by the Guru (teacher) & the Sishya (student) – defining their relationship and prior agreement of purpose between them. It is quoted below in Sanskrit.

Sahanavavathu – Sahanoubhunakthu – Sahaveeryam Karavaavahai

Tejaswinavadheethamastu – Maavidvishavahai

Aum shaanthi shaanthi shaanthihi.

Translation: Let God protect both (teacher & student) of us in all ways. Let God help us learn together and from each other, so we jointly experience the truth. Let there never be any rivalry, conflict or animosity between us.  Let there be harmony, peace & tranquility in all the 3-planes connected with our life –ie- physiological, mental & environmental.

The essence of the above prayer finds its reflection in the code of conduct for the pre clears (PC) and auditors in Scientology.  Though the Auditor & PC are not the exact equivalent of Guru and Sishya – similarity exists in the work cooperation between the two for learning and jointly advancing towards spiritual enlightenment. Read the rest of this entry