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Truth as it is!

I am an Electrical & Electronics Engineer (class of 1965-1970) from NITW-INDIA.
My employment with GE-USA (1973-75) in the Electro-Medical field in India pushed me into studying diverse aspects of health care. Subsequently, my interest in “Life Sciences” sucked me deep into exploring and understanding the connection between Life & Matter.
In the last 40 years of my counseling  through “Holistic Health (AYUSH)” – I might have advised satisfactorily about 350,000 times (including repeat patients – about 25 a day on an average) through all means of communications -viz- Personal interactions, Referrals, Emails, WhatsApp, Messengers, Telephones etc….thus covering the whole Globe!

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Aatma-The Forms

Cyclic Order of “Devolution-Evolution” of Atma

The infinite cyclic order of “Generation-Operation-Destruction” (which we call GOD) – is the eternal phenomenon within the infinite cosmic universe. The word “Atma (Atman)” appears common in different forms and contexts. It is very similar to the word “Allotropy” in science where structurally the same “element” has different physical forms. In decades of my reading and listening to the learned scholars, I have come across these expressions – ranging from microcosm to macrocosm as also the manifest to unmanifest. I will not be surprised if there are more such, which I have not come across, but some of them I know are listed below. Read the rest of this entry

Yoga – Q&A

Q. What is Yoga?

A. The process that helps unification, OR, that which facilitates union.


Q. Union of what?

A. 3-principal entities…Body, Mind & Soul (Spirit) of any individual person.


Q. Are not they already united in a person?

A. No! They reside in the same home called “person” but stay disunited mostly.


Q. Can you explain, or elaborate?

A. Is your mind always at where your body is?


Q. Not so?

A. No! If so why and how can accidents occur or confusions happen?


Q. Is not the brain always in the body…united with it?

A. Yes! Brain is an integral part of the body…the hardware!


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Drugs Make You Sicker!

You may have been consuming drugs for health – but getting sickly more and more?  Did you ever think why?  Drugs don’t cure! Do you know that?  They only relieve or control..! Medicines alone help cure!  Actually Body & Mind can completely cure themselves with the right kind of help.  Do you know the actual difference between a drug and a medicine? Contrary to the normal belief that they are synonyms (same) – they are actually antonyms (opposite).  Drugs take away control of your body & mind from you! Medicines reverse this and restore the control back to you!

Let me elaborately clarify here how it is so …

Drug: A drug is a chemical substance that takes control of your body or mind depending on its own inherent nature.  For example – when you take a sleeping pill, it puts you to sleep no matter how much you want to be awake! It rules over your body & mind. You can repeat this exercise many times – and you will experience the same every time.

It does not stop there! Subsequently when you want to sleep, it will make your body ask for the pill again. As you start yielding to its demand, it will keep asking progressively for more and more pills for the same amount of sleep while reducing the quality of sleep!  You will finally end up in a state that – unless you have many pills each time – you simply cannot have even normal sleep – which is so natural to all living creatures. By now you have become totally a slave to that pill. Pill is the lord & master! This state is called drug dependence.  Your life will not be under your control – but the drug.
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Defining Science, Religion & Spirituality

1. Science:

1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.  Methodological activity, discipline, or study: An activity that appears to require study and method. Knowledge, especially – that gained through experience.

2. In common usage the word science is applied to a variety of disciplines or intellectual activities which have certain features in common. Usually a science is characterized by the possibility of making precise statements which are susceptible of some sort of check or proof. This often implies that the situations with which the special science is concerned can be made to recur in order to submit themselves to check, although this is by no means always the case. There are observational sciences such as astronomy or geology in which repetition of a situation at will is intrinsically impossible, and the possible precision is limited to precision of description.

3. A common method of classifying sciences is to refer to them as either exact sciences or descriptive sciences. Examples of the former are physics and, to a lesser degree, chemistry; and of the latter, taxonomical botany or Zoology. The exact sciences are in general characterized by the possibility of exact measurement. One of the most important tasks of a descriptive science is to develop a method of description or classification that will permit precision of reference to the subject matter.

2. Religion:

1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship; the life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. Read the rest of this entry