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Drugs Make You Sicker!

You may have been consuming drugs for health – but getting sickly more and more?  Did you ever think why?  Drugs don’t cure! Do you know that?  They only relieve or control..! Medicines alone help cure!  Actually Body & Mind can completely cure themselves with the right kind of help.  Do you know the actual difference between a drug and a medicine? Contrary to the normal belief that they are synonyms (same) – they are actually antonyms (opposite).  Drugs take away control of your body & mind from you! Medicines reverse this and restore the control back to you!

Let me elaborately clarify here how it is so …

Drug: A drug is a chemical substance that takes control of your body or mind depending on its own inherent nature.  For example – when you take a sleeping pill, it puts you to sleep no matter how much you want to be awake! It rules over your body & mind. You can repeat this exercise many times – and you will experience the same every time.

It does not stop there! Subsequently when you want to sleep, it will make your body ask for the pill again. As you start yielding to its demand, it will keep asking progressively for more and more pills for the same amount of sleep while reducing the quality of sleep!  You will finally end up in a state that – unless you have many pills each time – you simply cannot have even normal sleep – which is so natural to all living creatures. By now you have become totally a slave to that pill. Pill is the lord & master! This state is called drug dependence.  Your life will not be under your control – but the drug.
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Can Nutrition Prevent and Cure illness?

The new question that is gaining momentum all over the health starved world is – can Nutrition cure?  What is nutrition?  Is it not same as food?  No!  Junk food is not nutritious!  Food is the combination of nutrition and waste.  Nutrition is that which is absorbed by the body for utilization to build and sustain the body and waste is excreted to prevent collapse.  The study of Nutrition as a prophylactic or as a medicine is called “Nutriceuticals” or “Nutraceuticals” and is the fastest growing sector for healthcare in the western world.

By the above mentioned definition of nutrition, water becomes a nutrient? Yes it is! How else was the concept of hydrotherapy evolved?  What other reason can be there for so many moisturizers in the world market!  But, water is not only the most important nutrient by itself, but also the carrier in the body of nutrients inward and wastes outward.  So, water is the most important of all the nutrients as it is food and medicine … that is two-in-one.

The normal thought that occurs to any mind, when one thinks of treatment of a disease is that, it is essential to have a drug or a medicine for the Cure — while the word “Cure” itself is not well defined both medically and technically.  It is necessary here to differentiate between a drug and a medicine here. Read the rest of this entry